Steve Opper

Michigan headquartered commercial construction manager/general contractor

Eighteen year Partner with WIELAND, a Michigan headquartered commercial construction manager/general contractor. WIELAND works throughout the U.S. with an emphasis on industrial construction including Tier 1 & 2 automotive suppliers, pulp & paper sector and warehouse/distribution and other light industrial. Prior to WIELAND experience included 8 years at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) serving in a number of capacities including business attraction and retention. Assigned as MEDC’s account manager to General Motors during a late 1990s $5 billion Michigan investment into Lansing assembly plants, engineering in Warren, redevelopment of Detroit Ren Cen headquarters and other GM related investments. Managed MEDC’s Site Location Services group working with National Site Location consultants, Michigan commercial real estate brokers, developers and others involved with site development activity as a one stop shop in navigating through various Michigan government organizations. Facilitated a transition from MEDC’s internal Michigan Site Network (a site/building database for economic developers throughout Michigan) to the Commercial Property Information Exchange (CPIX) managed by Michigan commercial real estate brokers. A native of Mid-Michigan, married with three married adult children that also live in Michigan.