Carl Osentoski
Carl Osentoski has been Executive Director of the Huron County Economic Development Corporation since 1988. During his tenure, he has participated in the production of several community development plans, recreation plan updates, CDBG Grants and the development of downtown development organizations. He also serves as the executive director for Sanilac County Economic Development. In addition, Carl is a member of the Michigan Economic Developers Association and serves as chairperson of the Thumb Area Partnership – a regional economic development organization, also a member of the I-69 Regional Steering Committee, and Region 6 Prosperity Planning Steering Committee. Past Committees are: Huron County Community Foundation, Huron Medical Center Board of Directors, Thumb Area Workforce Development Board, and Ubly Village Council. Current projects include: renewable energy projects, regional economic development, Harbor Beach DTE Reuse Project, and CDBG Projects. Prior to working with Huron County, Carl served as Manager of the Thumb Community Growth Alliance, Program Manager for the Thumb Area Consortium. Carl lives in Port Austin with his wife Debbie and they have two grown sons.